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Blahorečení Ulmovci – Svätá rodina z Markowej
Z celej Európy, no aj z USA a Ázie chodia žiadosti o relikvie nedávno blahorečenej rodiny, ktorú zavraždili nacisti za pomoc Židom. Žiadosti o ich relikvie prichádzajú z celého sveta.

«Vi racconto la famiglia Ulma, martire per amore del prossimo»
La famiglia culla della fede, l’infinita dignità del concepito, l’amore per Dio, fonte dell’amore per il prossimo. Il postulatore don Witold Burda racconta in un’intervista alla Bussola la storia dei

Una famiglia polacca e i fratelli ebrei. L’interezza del bene
Nessuno si salva da solo. E se ce lo fossimo dimenticati, se le guerre e le crisi finanziarie non bastassero a ricordarcelo, ha provveduto la pandemia a rendercelo ben presente.

Józef e Wiktoria Ulma e i loro sette figli
La scelta di aiutare gli ebrei venne ponderata alla luce del comandamento dell’amore e dell’esempio del buon samaritano, come risulta dalle sottolineature vergate sulla loro Bibbia I Martiri sono: 1.

Polish family’s martyrdom paves way for beatification
Józef and Wiktoria Ulma secretly gave shelter to eight Jews for almost two years in German-occupied Poland Urszula Niemczak keeps a regular schedule. At least twice a week she carefully

Polish family murdered by Nazis along with Jews they sheltered recalled on Holocaust Remembrance Day; family’s martyrdom paves way for beatification
KRAKOW, Poland (OSV News) — Urszula Niemczak keeps a regular schedule. At least twice a week she carefully checks whether winter decorations or fresh flowers growing in the summer on

Pope agrees to beatification of whole family
POPE FRANCIS has approved the first ever beatification of an entire family, including an unborn child, eight decades after they were shot by the Gestapo in punishment for sheltering Jews

Modern Polish Martyrs: Family To Be Beatified
In the 1940s, Nazis murdered the Ulma family. Now, for the first time in the history of the Catholic Church, an entire family will be beatified. Just as significant, the

Beatification date announced for married couple with seven children martyred by Nazis
The beatification date has been announced for Józef and Wiktoria Ulma and their seven children, who were killed by the Nazis for hiding a Jewish family in their home in